Pass/Fail (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) Option

All satisfactory/unsatisfactory grades appear on the transcript as S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) with no grade points assigned. Students may choose to receive an S/U grade in free elective courses and in any course outside the major program requirements. Courses used to satisfy the WIP requirement cannot be taken Pass/ Fail (S/U). A maximum of eight credit-bearing courses may be chosen for an S/U grade during the college career. WIP courses are not eligible to be taken as an S/U course.

Courses may be taken in any semester as long as the total number of courses does not exceed eight.

Students must make application for an S/U grade by mid-semester as specified in the current university calendar. If a student transfers to a program that requires a standard letter grade for a course that the student completed S/U, the student must repeat the course or obtain a waiver from the department.

For students who have elected the S/U option, a grade of “S” will be recorded on the official grade roster for those whose performance would otherwise be rated as a D- or higher and “U” for students who do the equivalent of ‘F’ work. S/U, once elected, may not be reversed on the student’s official academic record.

First and Second semester First Time in College (FTIC) students may choose to substitute the letter grade with S/U grade post-factum until fifteen days after the last day of classes. The substituted grades only apply to courses allowed by the S/U policy. Students must use the grade change process to substitute their letter grade with S/U grade before the deadline.