Military Science & Leadership (MLS)
MLS-101 Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking (3 credits)
Introduces students to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Students learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, time management, goal setting, stress management, and comprehensive fitness relate to leadership and the Army profession. Optional: leadership lab, one-hour physical fitness sessions, weekend military exercises. This program is open to all students regardless of major and does NOT require a military commitment.
MLS-102 Foundations of Agile and Adaptive Leadership (3 credits)
Introduces students to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Students learn the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, time management, goal setting, and communication. Cadets learn the basics of the communications process and the importance for leaders to develop the essential skills to effectively communicate in the Army. Optional: Leadership Lab on Thursday afternoons, one hour physical fitness sessions, weekend Army field training exercise.
MLS-111L Leadership Laboratory (0 credits)
Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming. This lab is optional for students registered for MLS courses. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course.
MLS-112L Leadership Laboratory (0 credits)
Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming. This lab is optional for students registered for MLS courses. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course.
MLS-201 Foundations of Leadership (3 credits)
Course focus is on effective communication, motivational techniques, organizational ethics, values and counseling as part of a team. The course involves basic military tactics, small unit operations planning and map reading. Optional: leadership lab, one-hour physical fitness sessions, weekend military exercises. This program is open to all students regardless of major and does NOT require a military commitment.
MLS-202 Army Doctrine and Team Development (3 credits)
Students focus on Army doctrine and team development. The course begins the journey to understand and demonstrate competencies as they relate to Army doctrine. Army Values, Teamwork, and Warrior Ethos and their relationship to the Law of Land Warfare and philosophy of military service are also stressed. The ability to lead and follow is also covered through Team Building exercises at squad level. Optional: Leadership Lab on Thursday afternoons, one hour physical fitness sessions, weekend Army field training exercise.
MLS-211L Leadership Laboratory (0 credits)
Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming. This lab is optional for students registered for MLS courses. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course.
MLS-212L Leadership Laboratory (0 credits)
Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming. This lab is optional for students registered for MLS courses. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course.