Marketing (MKT)

MKT-304  Principles of Marketing  (3 credits)  

The course focuses on the fundamental concepts of marketing, such as analyses of buyer behavior, product development and distribution, and marketing research, planning and forecasting.

Course Types: Creative Thinking

MKT-306  Advertising & Sales Promotion  (3 credits)  

Advertising is surveyed as a communications system that presents brand information and spurs consumer behavior. Emphasis is placed on the various institutions of advertising. All forms of promotional activities are examined.

Prerequisite(s): Take Mkt-304 or Permission of Instructor

MKT-389  Special Topics  (3 credits)  

MKT-401  Personal Selling  (3 credits)  

This course examines the sales skills necessary for establishing and managing customer and supplier relationships. Emphasis is on selling, presentation skills, prospecting, managing objectives, sales closing techniques, and sales force management.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-402  Consumer Behavior  (3 credits)  

Consumer behavior is the course within the marketing curriculum that most directly applies concepts, principles and theories from the various social sciences to the systematic study of the factors that influence the acquisition, consumption, and disposition of products, services, and ideas. To make good decisions, the manager must understand how consumers are likely to respond to the actions of the firm or the government. Knowledge of the principles of consumer behavior is important, therefore, for marketing managers and public policy makers. The disciplines used to describe and explain consumer behavior include economics, psychology, social psychology, sociology and anthropology.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-404  Marketing Channels  (3 credits)  

This course examines the critical elements and management of marketing channels. The primary emphasis is on the initial design of marketing channels, and the on-going management of relationships between channel participants. While retail, wholesale and physical distribution establishments are significant components of marketing channels, the course will concentrate primarily on the relationships among the various enterprises included in channel systems.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-408  Marketing Research  (3 credits)  

This course examines various research procedures including survey design, sampling, data collection techniques and analysis and reports. Emphasis is given to selected application of marketing research to specific problems.

Prerequisite(s): Take ECO-207

MKT-413  Global Marketing  (3 credits)  

Marketing products and services around the world, transcending national and political boundaries, is a fascinating experience. This course in Global Marketing will introduce the student to the complex and constantly evolving realities of international marketing. The course starts with an overview of the macro level environments faced in international markets (i.e., cultures, economic systems, financial markets, governments and legal systems, etc.), then addresses in some depth the elements of global marketing strategy (prices, distribution, promotion, etc.) and its implementation. The course has an emphasis on applied research and analysis, the Internet, and economic geography.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-416  New Product Development  (3 credits)  

This course is an advanced marketing course focusing on the launch and commercialization of new products. Students will explore how to manage the development process of a new product and its marketing mix and explain the contributions of the marketing function to new product development by building on basic marketing concepts.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-420  Sales Management  (3 credits)  

This course prepares the student for the real world of sales and sales management in the global marketing environment. A major consideration in both marketing and selling positions is the ability to communicate orally in front of an audience. For this reason, the course focuses on different types of presentations representing both written and oral forms of communications. The course will cover various aspects of selling and sales force management, including the social, legal and political ramifications of sales professionals' behavior. Combined academic theory and practical solutions will be utilized to illustrate and solve common issues in sales management

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-421  Marketing Analytics  (3 credits)  

This course will focus on the application of data science and quantitative analysis for developing marketing strategies. Students will acquire the necessary analytical skills that can be applied to real-world business decisions. The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the critical use of marketing data, and to equip them with the skills necessary for working with marketing analytics in any organization. This course will use a combination of lectures, cases studies, and hands-on projects with real-world databases.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-422  Marketing Management  (3 credits)  

The course focuses on formulating and implementing marketing management strategies and policies for both profit and not for profit organizations. The marketing management process is important at all levels of the organization, regardless of the type of industry or the size of the organization. They all involve essentially the same process, even though the activities may differ. The course will provide the student with a systemic framework for understanding marketing management and strategy.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-425  Social Media and Digital Marketing  (3 credits)  

This course focuses on the application and implementation of social media into integrated marketing communication. The course will help students understand the changing environment of the various media channels in the digital, social and mobile marketing, develop social/digital marketing plans, utilize new media technologies, and measure program results utilizing their analytical skills. The course includes hands-on development of social/digital media.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-444  Marketing Internship I  (3 credits)  

The purpose of completing a (90 hour) marketing internship is it allows students to gain a better understanding of concepts learned in the classroom by applying them to practical situations in actual organizational settings. This experience is designed to gain working experience in functional areas such as marketing management, market research, communication, product development, marketing channels, and social/digital media. 150 hrs per 3 credit hours.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-445  Marketing Internship II  (3 credits)  

The purpose of completing a (90 hour) marketing internship is it allows students to gain a better understanding of concepts learned in the classroom by applying them to practical situations in actual organizational settings. This experience is designed to gain working experience in functional areas such as marketing management, market research, communication, product development, marketing channels, and social/digital media.

Prerequisite(s): Take MKT-304

MKT-631  Consumer Behavior  (3 credits)  

This course is intended to give students the ability to apply strategic skills and knowledge of consumer behavior in a practical business environment. This course will examine various research techniques that marketers can use to gain true insight into what drives behavior of target audiences for particular products and services. Applying this research, the student will be able to develop more efficient and effective integrated marketing programs. A global perspective will also be taken in order to broaden student knowledge and at the same time provide a more realistic perspective on consumer behavior as a result of increased globalization.

Corequisite(s): Take MBA-615

MKT-632  Marketing Research & Development  (3 credits)  

The marketing concept suggests that the resources and activities of an organization should be focused in an integrated fashion towards the satisfaction of the wants and needs of the customers as opposed to the needs and wants of the organization. As an organization adopts this orientation, marketing research is viewed as a means to integrate the organization’s activities and focus them on the needs of the market-place. It involves the specification, collection, analysis, and interpretation of information which will assist managers to better understand the customers and business environment, identify problems and opportunities, and develop and evaluate alternative courses of action available to them.

Corequisite(s): Take MBA-615

MKT-633  Marketing Promotion & Distribution  (3 credits)  

This course covers the management issues in developing an integrated marketing communications strategy. It focuses on the design and implementation of effective advertising as part of an integrated marketing communications program. Since most advertising decisions involve both the advertiser and an advertising agency and other participants, such as firms responsible for direct and interactive marketing, public relations, merchandising, and promotions, the advertiser is viewed in interaction with agency, creative, media, and research personnel. It also includes developing market segmentation strategies, budgeting, evaluation and management of the communications program.

Corequisite(s): Take MBA-615

MKT-634  International Marketing  (3 credits)  

This course specializes in problems and perspectives of marketing across national boundaries, including: 1. Analyze marketing decisions facing firms engaged in international business transactions as producers, suppliers, and consumers, 2. Apply tools and approaches to structure and control marketing programs on a global basis, 3. Analyze the constant tension between forces of market standardization at the global level against "localization" factors at the domestic and local levels.

Corequisite(s): Take MBA-615