Accounting B.S.

General Education Requirements30
Liberal Arts and Science Electives27
Total Credits for Major63
Total Credits120

Course Requirements for the Major

ACC-211Principles of Accounting I3
ACC-212Principles of Accounting II3
ACC-417Personal Computers for Accountants3
ACC-444Accounting Intership3
MGT-304Communicating in Organizations3
LAW-303Business Law I3
LAW-304Business Law II3
MGT-411International Business3
Total Credits33

Requirements for the Accounting Major

ACC-311Intermediate Accounting I3
ACC-312Intermediate Accounting II3
ACC-321Tax Accounting3
ACC-322Cost Accounting3
ACC-404Advanced Accounting3
ACC-421Corporate Finance3
ECO-328Money and Banking3
Select two of the following electives:6
Special Topics in Accounting Special Topics in Accounting
Accounting Theory & Application
Total Credits30

Academic Regulations

To be in good standing, students must do the following:

  1. Maintain term (semester/summer) and cumulative averages of 2.0.
  2. Maintain a minimum grade of C in all 100- to 400-level courses required in the major and for all other courses required for the major.
  3. Students experiencing academic difficulties may be required to decelerate their progress until an acceptable level of general academic performance is achieved. Permission to decelerate in the program must be obtained from the chair of the department of business.
  4. Students at the undergraduate level can be placed on program probation a maximum of two consecutive terms or a total of three nonconsecutive terms. Students who exceed these limits are dismissed.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on program academic probation when there is failure to satisfy specific program academic standards or regulations. A student will be placed on academic probation for the two full-time terms (i.e., semesters and/or summers) which immediately follow the date of probation. All students on program academic probation must meet the academic standards for their classification (undergraduate/graduate). Failure to meet the academic standards during a probationary period will result in dismissal from the program.

Students placed on academic probation are not permitted to advance to subsequent terms of study until the academic deficiency which resulted in the probation status has been remedied. The student will remain on probation for two terms in which full-time coursework, or its equivalent, is satisfactorily completed.

Students may appeal the decision of dismissal from the accounting program to the chair of the department of business. The appeal is initiated with a letter from the student to the department chair that describes the extenuating circumstances that limited academic performance. The department chair then presents the appeal to the business faculty for consideration. If the appeal is accepted, the student will remain on program academic probation for two full-time terms and must satisfy the criteria of probation.

Student Conduct

Students enrolled in the D’Youville College business programs are expected to demonstrate high standards of personal behavior and professional conduct in the academic and fieldwork assignments. Academic dishonesty of any form will not be tolerated by the program faculty. College policy regarding academic dishonesty will be followed with the recommendation that the offender be dismissed from the business program.

Admission requirements for applicants entering as freshmen are as follows:

  1. A high school average of at least 80 percent

The admission requirement for transfer students is a minimum G.P.A. of 2.5. Transfer students are also strongly advised to include letters of recommendation and a letter of intent with their application. Students with a G.P.A. of lower than 2.5 may be considered for conditional acceptance on an individual basis. Conditionally accepted students can matriculate after completing four undergraduate or graduate courses, as appropriate, with a grade of B or better.