Pharmacy Pharm. D.

Course Requirements

Kindly note that the curriculum outlined below is under the auspices of the Curriculum Committee of the School of Pharmacy and may be subject to change.

First Professional Year: 1st Semester
PMD-601Biochemical Principles I3
PMD-603Anatomy Physiology Pathophysiology I4
PMD-605Principles of Drug Action I4
PMD-607Prof of Pharmacy & Health Care Systems3
PMD-611Prof Dev of Student Pharmacist I2
PMD-617P1 IPPE Community2
PMD-627Interprofessional Collaborative Practice I: Foundations of Interprofessional Practice0.5
Total Credits18.5
First Professional Year: 2nd Semester
PMD-604Anatomy Physiology Pathophysiology II4
PMD-606Principles of Drug Action II5
PMD-610Hlth Comm Diversity & Bioethics Communications/Diversity/Bioethics2
PMD-612Prof Dev of Student Pharmacist II - Patient Assessment2
PMD-626Introductory Pharmacy Calculations2
PMD-628Interprofessional Collaborative Practice II: Foundations of Interprofessional Practice0.5
Total Credits18.5
Second Professional Year: 3rd Semester
PMD-701Principles of Drug Action III2
PMD-703Pharmacotherapeutics I4
PMD-705Pharmacotherapeutics II4
PMD-711Prof Dev of Student Pharmacist III1
PMD-714Pharmacy Management3
PMD-717P2 IPPE Community2
PMD-727Interprofessional Collaborative Practice III: Building Interprofessional Skills0.5
Total Credits19.5
Second Professional Year: 4th Semester
PMD-702Medical Microbiology & Immunology3
PMD-704Pharmacotherapeutics III4
PMD-706Pharmacotherapeutics IV4
PMD-708Evidence-Based Medicine I2
PMD-709Integrated Compounding & Practice3
PMD-712Professional Development of a Student Pharmacist IV1
PMD-728Interprofessional Collaborative Practice IV: Building Interprofessional Skills0.5
Total Credits17.5
Third Professional Year: 5th Semester
PMD-801U.S. Pharmacy Law2
PMD-803Infectious Disease V4
PMD-805Pharm Gastrointestinal V I4
PMD-811Prof Dev of Student Pharmacist V1
PMD-813Evidence-Based Medicine II2
PMD-817P3 Institutional IPPE3
PMD-827Interprofessional Collaborative Practice V: Advanced Interprofessional Practice0.5
Total Credits18.5
Third Professional Year: 6th Semester
PMD-804Pharmacotherapeutics VII4
PMD-808Pharmacotherapeutics Vlll4
PMD-810Population Based Health Care2
PMD-812Professional Development of a Student Pharmacist IV - Gateway to Clerkship1
PMD-814Evidence-Based Medicine III2
PMD-828Interprofessional Collaborative Practice VI: Advanced Interprofessional Practice0.5
PMD-911Pharmacy Board Exam Preparation & Practice0
Total Credits18.5
Fourth Professional Year: 7th & 8th Semesters 1
PMD-901Advanced Community Pharmacy6
PMD-902Ambulatory Care Rotation6
PMD-903Institutional Clinical Rotation6
PMD-904Institutional Operations Rotation6
PMD-905APPE Elective A6
PMD-906APPE Elective B6
Total Credits36
Total Credits147

Advanced Practice Pharmacy Experiences (APPEs) cannot be started until after all previous didactic and experiential course work is completed. APPEs will consist of 6 six-week rotations. Each rotation is worth 6-credit hours and requires 240 clock hours, for a total of 1440 clock hours. 

  1. (1) Advanced Community Rotation
  2. (1) Ambulatory Rotation
  3. (1)  Institutional Clinical Rotation
  4. (1)  Institutional Operations Rotation
  5. (1) Elective A Rotation
  6. (1) Elective B Rotation

Students are required to complete a total of six (6) credit hours of didactic courses. These elective must be of courses pre-approved by School of Pharmacy Curriculum Committee, regardless if offered by the School of Pharmacy, D'Youville University, and/or an external institution.


Half of the class may complete the MTM IPPE requirement during the first semester of their P3 year while the other half will complete it during the second semester of the P3 year.

Policies For Promotion And Retention Of All Students

  1. Sequence for Licensure - In addition to the successful completion of coursework, including IPPEs and APPEs, all students must pass the NAPLEX and two additional parts on law (MPJE). This program is designed consistently with licensure requirements and the professional standards and guidelines established by the ACPE.
  2. Academic Standing - Each student must maintain a cumulative quality point average (QPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. A student whose cumulative QPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. The Academic Performance and Integrity Committee may require that students perform certain activities aimed at aiding their academic standing such as meeting regularly with their academic advisors, developing a career plan and seeking tutorial assistance through the Learning Center and DYUSOP. The students must raise their QPA above 2.0 prior to the start of the next professional year or will be dismissed on academic grounds by the Committee.
  3. For Academic Progression - The minimum grade for passing a D’Youville School of Pharmacy course is a C-. A student may only receive two grades of D+ or lower in an academic year and a total of three during their academic career in the School of Pharmacy. A student who receives more than two grades of D+ or lower in an academic year will be dismissed from the program. The only exception to this policy pertains to the Pharmacotherapeutics course sequence. A student who receives two failing grades (D+ or lower) in any of the Pharmacotherapeutic course sequence will be dismissed from the program.
  4. Remediation - A grade of F in a course is not subject to remediation. A student who receives a grade of D+ or lower or an unsatisfactory grade (U) must repeat the course unless he or she has been dismissed. Grades of D-, D, and D+ will be remediated as a compressed course format in the summer session immediately following the academic year (for the 4-year program) or in the allotted two-week period at the end of each trimester (3-year online pathway) in which the unsatisfactory grade(s) was received. Remediation may occur prior to the summer session (or during the trimester) only by special arrangement between the course coordinator and student with the approval of the Academic Performance and Integrity Committee. A student may only remediate two courses in an academic year. Remediating students will be required to sign a contract detailing the conditions of their remediation and faculty will create a remediation syllabus. The Academic Performance and Integrity Committee will ultimately approve all remediation plans. Students who successfully remediate will receive a final grade of “C-” in the course. Students who do not successfully remediate will be dismissed from the program. Note: exceptions to this remediation policy may only be made by the Academic Performance and Integrity Committee on a case-by-case basis.
  5. Incomplete Grades - Incomplete (I) grades are issued when the instructor is not prepared to give a final mark for the semester, either because of student illness or a justifiable delay in the completion of course requirements. Incomplete grades are not issued to students whose performance prior to illness was deficient or who were unable to keep up with the course requirements. A failing grade (F) will be issued if the work is not completed before the end of the eighth week of the semester following an incomplete grade. With approval from the cooperating faculty member and the assistant dean of faculty and student affairs, one eight week extension may be granted. In order to complete the requirements for all IPPE and APPE rotations, students must submit assessment forms. Those who fail to submit assessment forms will receive an incomplete grade and their progress to the next rotation may be delayed until the documentation is submitted. If a student fails to pass his or her assigned rotations in the experiential program, the student’s performance will be evaluated by the director of experiential education.
  6. Course Withdrawal - A student may withdraw from a course(s) only after permission has been obtained from the course instructor or coordinator and a withdrawal request is processed through the office of the dean in accordance with the time period specified by D’Youville Unviersity. A withdrawal may only be granted if the student has a passing grade, and is requesting it for non-academic reasons. Withdrawal from a course(s) will not be approved solely on the basis of poor performance in the course(s), nor may a student continue to attend classes once a withdrawal has been granted.
  7. Academic Resignation - A student may resign from the program at any time prior to two weeks before the beginning of the final examinations for the term. Students who wish to resign must officially communicate this in writing to the assistant dean of faculty and student affairs. Resignation constitutes withdrawal from all courses being taken. A student who has resigned from the program must reapply as a new applicant to the program.
  8. Leave of Absence - A student who wishes to interrupt his/her studies through a leave of absence may do so only up to four individual or consecutive semesters. In order to obtain permission for a leave of absence, students must complete a request form and submit the form to the assistant dean of faculty and student affairs. Ordinarily, a student may not request a leave of absence after the twelfth week of the semester. Special consideration is given for illness or other extenuating circumstances. In the event that a student does not return at the time stipulated, the leave automatically becomes a withdrawal. The student must then apply as a new applicant to return to the School of Pharmacy.
  9. Appeal Process - A student may appeal the Academic Performance and Integrity Committee’s dismissal decision within ten (10) working days from receipt of the dismissal notification through a formal written appeal to the Chairperson of the Academic Performance and Integrity Committee describing any extenuating circumstances that limited academic performance. The appeal will be reviewed by the committee. If the appeal is accepted by the committee, the student may be reinstated, but must satisfy all the conditions outlined in the committee’s decision. If the student’s appeal is denied, the student may appeal that decision within five (5) working days to the Dean of the School of Pharmacy. The Dean’s decision will be final.
  10. Regulations for Readmitted Students -A readmitted student must maintain a cumulative QPA of 2.0 or greater, with no failing grade (D+ or lower and/or U) to continue in the program. A readmitted student will be evaluated at the end of each academic term. Failure to meet requirements for continuing in the program will result in permanent dismissal.

Transferring Credits

Due to the highly integrated nature of the didactic and experiential components of the curriculum, the School of Pharmacy considers requests for the transfer of credits only on an individual basis. Credits accepted for transfer must be awarded from an ACPE accredited school of pharmacy. Only credits recorded on an official transcript of the issuing institution are considered for transfer. Credits accepted for transfer must be determined to be substantially equivalent to courses offered by the D’Youville University School of Pharmacy in their content and quality. Students must submit a letter from their previous school of pharmacy attesting to their “good standing” at their institution. Credits accepted for transfer must have been awarded within three years of the date of admission. The School of Pharmacy may, at its option, accept older credits if the entering student holds an earned doctorate in the pharmaceutical sciences.


Due to the continuing development of policies and curriculum for the School of Pharmacy at the printing of this catalog; the School of Pharmacy reserves the right to change and enforce said policies and curriculum post publication of this catalog. Students should contact the office of the dean for the most up to date information concerning the program and its polices.

Application Requirements

The School of Pharmacy participates in PharmCAS, the Pharmacy College Admission Service. Prospective applicants should complete the PharmCAS application by submitting the following information to PharmCAS:

  1. PCAT Not Required
  2. Official transcripts from ALL colleges previously attended
  3. Two Letters of Reference, at least one Letter of Reference must be from an academic professor; the other letter may be from an employer, supervisor, or a faculty or health care advisor.
  4. Non-US citizens, who have attended a foreign (non-English speaking) institute for their college coursework, must take the TOEFL and TSE and have the results reported to PharmCAS
  5. All foreign transcripts must be verified through PharmCAS, World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE), or Josef Silny & Associates
  6. In addition to the PharmCAS application, all students admitted into the professional program are required to meet the following criteria and complete a minimum of 61 credit hours that include the following:

    Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Requisite Courses


    BIO-101Introductory Biology I4
    BIO-101LIntro Bio Lab I0
    CHE-101General Chemistry I3
    CHE-101LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory1
    ENG-112Humanities Seminar3
    MAT-125Calculus I4
    Total Credits15


    BIO-102Introductory Biology II4
    BIO-102LIntro Bio Lab II0
    CHE-102General Chemistry II3
    CHE-102LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory II1
    ENG-XXXEnglish, Writing or Literature Elective of Choice3
    One CourseSocial Science or Humanities3
    Total Credits14


    One courseHuman Biomedical Science with Lab**4
    CHE-219Organic Chemistry3
    CHE-219LOrganic Chemistry Lab1
    MAT-123Introduction to Applied Statistics4
    PHY-101General Physics I3
    PHY-101LGen Physics Lab I1
    Total Credits16


    CHE-220Organic Chemistry II3
    CHE-220LOrganic Chemistry II Lab1
    COM-201Public Speaking3
    Two coursesSocial Science or Humanities***6
    Total Credits16

    ** Two 200-level or higher Human Biomedical Science courses without labs can be substituted for a single Human Biomedical Science with Lab. The Biomedical Science courses that are acceptable include Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, and/or Pharmacology. Microbiology or Anatomy and Physiology are recommended.

    *** Acceptable Social Sciences are Sociology, Psychology, History or Political Science.
    Acceptable Humanities are Ethics, Philosophy, Fine Arts, Literature, Religious Studies, and Foreign Languages.

    1. Two 200-level or higher Human Biomedical science courses without labs can be substituted for a single Human Biomedical Science with Lab. The Biomedical Science courses that are acceptable include Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Pharmacology. However, Microbiology or Anatomy and Physiology are recommended.
    2. Acceptable Social Sciences are Sociology, Psychology, History or Political Science.
    3. Acceptable Humanities are Ethics, Philosophy, Fine Arts, Literature, Religious Studies and Foreign Language.
    4. All pre-requisite coursework must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.0/4.0) or better.
    5. Science and Math courses should be current, completed no more than five years prior to enrollment.
    6. All prerequisite Math and Science courses must be equivalent in scope and rigor to those required for Math, Chemistry and Biology majors at D’Youville.
    7. All students are expected to be proficient in the implementation of computer operating systems, software applications for word processing, statistical analysis, database management, presentations, e-mail, and the use of online databases.
    8. All questions concerning prerequisite requirements or course equivalents should be directed to the Office of the Dean.
  7. Selected applicants will be invited for an interview. The interview process employs a series of multiple mini-interviews to assess non-cognitive skills important to rendering patient-centered care. The School of Pharmacy’s core values (excellence, lifelong learning, cultural diversity, professionalism, leadership, social responsibility, critical inquiry and collaboration) are the domains evaluated by the mini-interviews.