Policy on Academic Integrity

Students are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and honesty while completing course requirements and complying with university academic regulations. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Plagiarism:
    The presentation of another’s writing or another’s ideas as one’s own without citation;
  2. Cheating:
    The use or provision of any unauthorized assistance when completing an exam or individual assignment;
  3. Falsification:
    The fabrication of signatures, notes, reports, data or other academic information; the submission of reports, papers or exams prepared by a person other than the student; this includes purchasing or selling term papers or other academic materials;
  4. Procurement:
    The distribution or acceptance of prior or current lab assignments, exams or other academic matter without the permission of the instructor; and
  5. Co-submission:
    The submission, without permission of the instructor, of academically required materials previously or contemporaneously submitted in whole or in substantial part in another course.

A breach of academic integrity as determined by the instructor will result in automatic failure of the exam, paper or course, and/or ineligibility to repeat the course, a requirement for additional academic work or other sanctions as stated in the course syllabus. In general, it is expected that most infractions will be handled between the student and the faculty member. Serious or repeated infractions, however, will be reported to the student’s academic major program chair as defined below and to the Vice President for Academic Affairs or Dean, as appropriate.

Students who wish to appeal any decision are advised to refer to the appeals procedure for their respective school, which is accessible by selecting the following link:

Academic Appeals Policy