Natural Sciences and Mathematics Department

Knowledge of science and mathematics is essential to the development of a liberally educated person. The student with a special interest in science and mathematics will find a foundation for a wide variety of professional careers. These career opportunities are expanding rapidly in today’s increasingly technological society.

The community of scholars that comprises the faculty of the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is committed to excellence in teaching, learning, and research. The faculty encourage scholarship, skeptical inquiry and the free exchange of ideas within the department and in the classroom and laboratory, and promote the application of this knowledge beyond those settings. The department seeks to foster these principles in every one of its students, regardless of academic background, in ways that can both be measured and defy measurement.

All D'Youville students take some science and mathematics courses within the department. The department offers two bachelor’s degrees in Biology (B.A., B.S.), two in Chemistry (B.A., B.S.), one in Biochemistry (B.S.), and two in Mathematics (B.A., B.S.). The department also offers a master's degree in Anatomy (M.S.), which is offered as both a stand-alone graduate program (Anatomy M.S.) and also combined with the undergraduate Biology bachelor's degree (Biology B.S./Anatomy M.S. and Biology B.A./Anatomy M.S.). Requirements for these programs are listed in the courses of instruction section of this catalog. The department offers structured minors in analytics, anatomy, bioinformatics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, and natural sciences. The department also provides the basic science courses for many programs, including nursing, physician assistant, physical therapy, chiropractic, dietetics, exercise sports science, health analytics, health services management, public health, and occupational therapy.